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                             **Regarding IOUs**


        IOUs from me to you:  Please pick up your egg(s)/hatchling(s) within 72 hours of me sending it. I will hold longer if asked to do so. I may hold longer out of courtesy, but after 48 hours without being asked to hold it longer, I reserve the right to send it instead to the next person in line, keep it, or trade it as I see fit. If I still have it by the time you can pick it up, I will send it over. Thank You

           IOUs from you to me:  I will pick up my egg(s)/hatchling(s) within 24 hours unless I specifically ask you to hold it longer due to lockage; if I am needed to pick it up faster, I will do my best to pick it up earlier. I don't accept IOU spots higher than 10th place except: from friends, people I know to be active and/or reliable, or if the list is for a 2nd gen tinsel or shimmerscale. Likewise, I cap my own lists at five at a time, except for my 2nd Gen. Shimmer-Scale lists. I will accept metal IOUs from friends, people I know to be active and/or reliable, or if at least one item in the trade is given up front. Thank you